


Rs.4,000.00 Rs.3,000.00

Full enjoyment of sex requires good physical and mental health the various Herbs  . Ashwatek-ON   combine to bring about good neuro-muscular tone and mental Outlook ,that improves confidence.



Herbal course ‘ from the ‘natural health division ‘ of Tek Ayurved Sansthan Shri Krishna Aushadhayala , contain , tried and tested and proven non-toxic herbal ingredients which may be totally relied upon. Requirement of Ashwatek_ON herbal courses depend on age of a individual person. (For Perfect Result)

Mechanism of Action Of Ashwatek_ON

Stage of Desire 

Ashwatek_On activates the stage of desire where the possibilities are unlimited. This ayurvedic formula accelerates the desire to aspire. 

Stage of arousal and excitement

Desire and excitement gradually build up as a result of sexual foreplay creating the conductive and  congenial atmosphere for the sexual act in the male erection of the penis .


During the plateau stage penile vaginal penetration takes place . Appropriate psychological changes appear in sex organ. the  .This stage extends from 30 Seconds to several  minutes.

Stage of all orgasm

During organs highest sexual excitement and pleasure  occurs. Blood pressure may rise by 22 to40 mm of Mercury the heart rate may increase 210 to160 beats per minute ,The stage of orgasn may last for 3 to 15 seconds.

State of resolution

The orgasm stage is followed by the stage of resolution, during which the body and sex organs slowly return to normal resting stage. Both the partners feel satisfied .they experience a subjective sense of well being.

refractory phase

Ashwatek-ON, mainly acts on the highest  cortical centres and sharpens them. It appears that at the cortical level inhibitions are eliminated and the afferent nerves coming from the optic, auditory and the tectile areas are sharpened the cortical responses are facilitated down the spinal cord, and culminate in a prolonged erection , hardness and bring about ejaculation only at the height of pleasure.

What role does ASHWATEK_ON Play in importance due to Psychologicla blocks?

In case of psychological importance there maybe factors like guilt due to repeated masturbation shyness and inadequate sex education. In all such cases of education, medical counselling encouragement sympathy,reassurance and attempts to build up the patients self confidence are necessary. If the impotence continues ,a short course of capsule is enough .

But if there is a major psychological problem intensive psychotherapy and anti-depressant drugs are necessary in such cases , both herbal capsules plays a secondary role .

What are the success rate of ASHWATEK_ON in Fertility?

Infertility all is well known is a frustrating condition, to correct if infertility is due to functional and impairment of testicles the patient responds to long term therapy and higher doses of Ashwatek-on,the sperm count mobility and vitatality of the sperm may return to normal or improve please refer to to our experts Dr Ashwani Kumar Kaushal Ayurvedacharya. for more information .

Most Asked Q&A


What is Rationale Behind the ASHWATEK_ON

ASHWATEK_ON ,herbal capsules stimulates the physical and the hormonal function which improve libido, potency erection and spermatogenesis in the male . herbal capsule stimulates peripheral autonomic nervous system.
This combination of psychological arousal and the stimulation of the circulatory and nervous system and of muscular tone and metabolism is in general, by the extension results in the better sexual performance and the physical and the mental alertness Thus psychological barriers (often the cause of impotance) are removed. ASHWATEK_ON is ideal for the patients with the sexual inadequacies substandard or negative sexuality ,physical fatigue.


Is this Course useful for both male or female?

Vaginismus can also be caused by physical factor these include common vaginal infection , which produce discharge, itching and irritation. and treatment is of course directed toward the specific disorderor. Once the discomfort in eliminated the women can again ‘relax’ and the vaginal spasm vanishes . Basically female benefited by the regular use of ASHWATEK_ON herbal course by male partner as it helps them to overcome their fear and taboos regarding sex, bring about a change in their outlook toward the sex prepares them beneficiary to Look upon sex as normal and psychological and physiological activities.


How this product can help people in their 30's and 40's?

In this age group the person shoulder a lot responsibilities within the family as well as socially this may affect their sex life to considerable extent and has to be managed at an early stage in this age group after having enjoyed sex earlier is show but steady decline in the sex activity starts. this worries many young couples. if further adds to the decline in the sexulality and the cycle continuous. ASHWATEK_ON herbal course break this vicious circle.


Can this course used by old people above 65's?

Basically ASHWATEK_ON herbal course is an Ayurvedic vitalizing treatment. the energy beneficially diverted towards act in case of middle aged people. In case old people ASHWATEK_ON herbal course will help utilise the same energy another field of interest as as meditation , intellectual , Pursuits etc. ASHWATEK_ON herbal course has an overall tonic and the longer time . So while the reproduction function in women ends with Menopause , men can reproduce even Into old age . these are reliable of man becoming fathers in their 70s 80s and even 90s .

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